Scoot This > Ask Dr. Stupid

Dear Dr. Stupid


Dear Dr. Stupid,

My coworkers and I have been having trouble with a certain person with whom we work with. This person likes to be identified as "The Wookiee". I have enclosed a family photo that we found on it's desk so you may see first hand the dilemma we have.This person is the laziest person on our crew. The rest of us find ourselves having to constantly fix the mistakes of this person. Anytime the wookiee is assigned a project that involves real work, he/she/it ( we're not really sure ) finds a way to get out of having to do the project leaving it for someone else. The wookiee is also of concern when it comes to personal hygiene. The overgrown fleabag is always scratching itself. It smells bad. It always makes a mess in the restroom ( this may have to do with excess butt hair ). It also likes to touch itself "down there" in the company of others. My question to you is how do my comrades and I deal with this Sasquatch -like individual. Is there a bug like spray we could use, or do they make super sized rodent traps, like maybe a "wookiee trap". Please help, we are desperate.

The one on the bottom right is the smelly bastard we work with.

Dr. Stupid:
It rubs the deodorant on itself or else it gets the hose again.


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