Scoot This > Ask Dr. Stupid

Dear Dr. Stupid


Upon waking up in the morning i seem to be pitching a tent... I rent an apartment so i do not have to live in a tent. What can i do to relieve this tenting situation and get my apartment back to normal?

Dr. Stupid:
Silly t-BONE,

I'm sure it's a small problem, nothing more than a pup tent. But as any scooterist knows simply by sleeping on your side you will then be utilizing the "kickstand" as well as eliminating any tenting issues.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Stupid
10 Morningwood Drive
Woodland Park

Dear T-Bone,
So sorry to hear you found a solution to your "tent" problem.  I was truly looking forward to an old fashioned scootenanny! 
maybe next time.

I have a sinking feeling the weather wont hold out for a scootenany. Birthdays, scooter scavenger hunts, It's all just too much! Then bam! November... heh might be on the books for spring. Maybe a spring fling? I dunno.

By the way the doctors took away my ambien and my camping equipment, so the tent pitching problem is solved.

Dr. Stupid:
Dear U Lu,

For society's sake please avoid the "trapdoor", for the rest of us it's like peekin' in the back window of a pack of bacon.

If this grosses you out half as much as me...

...It still grosses me out twice as much as you.


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